Archive for the ‘cabeceo’ Tag

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They say that when she arrives, she starts clipping virtual coupons asking people to make sure that they will have a dance later.
However, they say that when she’s engaged in a fascinating conversation with the Most Interesting Man in town (a conversation of substance, as neither of them likes superficial chit chat), she doesn’t like the stress of looking around to pay attention if she might catch someone’s eye inviting her to dance.

They say that she prefers to give her full attention to her conversation, especially if a free meal is involved. In all honesty she has been heard saying that she doesn’t like the etiquette  of the cabeceo. If a gentleman comes up to her and asks for a dance, she chooses to dance with him, or refuses him.

They say that after she leaves, she discards the imaginary coupons, and feels sorry that she did not get to use them.

Posted December 26, 2012 by Alberto & Valorie in Humor

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